Waking up at 7 in the morning is not my forte >.<
Time to get up , get ready, and get out of the house!
Headed to school for Calculus tutorial at 9am ):
I felt so proud in class :P
*Nerd Attack* I solved the quiz questions so fast. I.Felt.Accomplished *grinssss* (yea, I know you’re jelly of my calc skillzzz)
After class went to get a hot dog at the only good food place at my uni.
Blazing hot today (47 degrees) while walking across campus to get food. But like… it’s food so.. yea. You HAVE TO mission for food. It’s a rule.Especially when you get a free freezey when you buy a hot dog (:
I got bacon bits on mine. ‘Cause you know. The inner fattykid in me must be satisfied with loads of unhealthy junk. But still, it looks good, tastes good and smells good. Knowing that, I’d eat it, or more like, devour it :P
After school, went to the mall with the boyfriend to watch a movie. We ended up watching Brave. It was alright, funny in several moments of the movie but kinda predictable. I wish it was better, it had a good plot in the beginning.
Now, all I’m doing is contemplating on what to wear tomorrow and what to pick for my course selection for school on thursday >.< Honestly, this is an ordeal.
Picking courses is so hard. IM JUST SO CONFUZZLED D: WHY IS THIS SO HARD?! D: WHY WHY WHY… I swear uni is just trying to fuck with me so I can’t take the require courses in the same year >.>
I had to log out of at least 4 tech today >.>
Every email, facebook, tumblr, instagram, twitter, talkatone, whatsapp and viber going off. Most of them at the same time, since I’m on facebook on my computer chatting with several people. My blackberry phone is vibrating like crazy, while my android (both hooked up to wifi) is alerting me. Ugh D: Not very smart to hook all them up >.>
Anyways, going to bed now. G’nights and Sweet Dreams <3